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The Princess of Asturias Foundation

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Princess of Asturias Awards 11/11/2021

Frederick W. de Klerk, Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, has died

Joint Laureate in 1992, together with Nelson Mandela, for “in conditions of extreme difficulty, laid the foundations for peace and co-operation among the citizens of South Africa and the country’s democratic organisation in the future”


Frederick Willem de Klerk, 1992 Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, has died.

As stated in the Minutes of the Jury that granted the Award: “his political action and moral influence with two communities divided by deep and long-standing antagonism have, in conditions of extreme difficulty, laid the foundations for peace and co-operation among the citizens of South Africa and the country’s democratic organisation in the future. Their efforts have thus addressed one of the essential issues of our time: multi-racial co-existence within a framework of respect for human rights”.

The Jury was chaired by Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo and was made up of Guido Brunner, Emilio Cassinello, Antonio Garrigues Walker, Amaro González de Mesa, Fernando Morán, Marcelino Oreja, Guillermo Perinat, Nicolás Sartorius and Teodoro López-Cuesta Egocheaga, as acting secretary.

The Awards Ceremony, which took place on 31st October was presided over by HM King Felipe VI, then Prince of Asturias. Besides the address by His Majesty, the speeches at the ceremony were given by, Emilio García Gómez, Elizabeth Taylor, Frederich G. Conradie, on behalf of Frederick W. de Klerk, and Nelson Mandela.

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