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Princess of Asturias Awards

General Programme for the visit of TM the King and Queen of Spain and THR the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofía on the ocassion of the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony

General Programme for the visit of TM the King and Queen of Spain and THR the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofía on the ocassion of the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony


7:30pm. The 30th Princess of Asturias Awards Concert, presided over by Their Majesties The King and Queen of Spain, with the presence of Their Royal Highnesses The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía of Spain.

Organized by the Princess of Asturias Foundation in collaboration with the Cajastur Foundation, flamenco singer Carmen Linares and flamenco dancer María Pagés, joint 2022 Princess of Asturias Laureates for the Arts, will share the stage in the flamenco performance entitled “Carmen and María. Two paths, but one gaze”.


General audiences

“Salón de Consejos” reception room at the Reconquista Hotel

  • 11:20am. University of Oviedo 2021 End-of-Studies Prize winners.
  • 11:40am. Holders of the 2022 Medal of Asturias and Adoptive Son distinctions.

Princess of Asturias Awards Audience

“Salón Covadonga” reception room at the Reconquista Hotel

12:30pm. Audience of the chairs of the Juries, the members of the Princess of Asturias and Foundation Boards of Trustees and the 2022 Princess of Asturias

Laureates with TM The King and Queen of Spain and TRH The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía.


  • Pool coverage for photographers.
  • No more than one newswriter per media until the maximum number is reached.

6:30pm. 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony, presided over by TM The King and Queen of Spain and with the presence of TRH The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía of Spain.

Address by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias.

Address by His Majesty The King of Spain.


  • Pool coverage for photographers.
  • No more than one newswriter per media until the maximum number is reached.


12 noon. Visit to the parish of Cadavéu by TM The King and Queen of Spain and TRH The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía for the bestowal of the 2022 Exemplary Town of Asturias Award.

Address by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Asturias.

Address by His Majesty The King of Spain.

Press pool in some locations.

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