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The Foundation

Mauro Guillén Rodríguez, appointed president-elect of the Princess of Asturias Foundation

By acclamation of the institution’s Board of Trustees, he will take over from Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz as of December.

Mauro Guillén Rodríguez, appointed president-elect of the Princess of Asturias Foundation

Dean and Professor of Management Studies at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, Mauro F. Guillén Rodríguez has been appointed President-Elect of the Princess of Asturias Foundation by acclamation of the institution’s Board of Trustees at its meeting this morning in Oviedo. He will take up office as of December 2022.

Mauro Guillén will succeed Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz who, after four years at the head of the Foundation, is the institution’s fifth president, following on from Matías Rodríguez Inciarte (2008-2018), José Ramón Álvarez Rendueles (1996-2008), Placido Arango (1987-1996) and Pedro Masaveu (1980-1987).

The Board of Trustees, which today held its annual meeting to approve the accounts, audit report and management report for the financial year 2021, has also approved the incorporation of Derrick Rossi, 2021 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Technical and Scientific Research, to the Princess of Asturias Board of Trustees, an honorary body of the Foundation.

The agenda also included the approval of the Regulations governing the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards and Exemplary Town of Asturias Award.

In addition to hearing reports from the institution’s president, Luis Fernández-Vega, and director, Teresa Sanjurjo, the members of the Board of Trustees were presented with the 2021 Annual Report. The trustees were also informed as to the financial situation and assets of the Foundation, which ended the year with positive net income and a similar level of expenditure to that of the previous year. The Foundation’s overall expenditure in 2021 amounted to 5.1 million euros. The annual report will be published on the Foundation website on 21st June.

Among the details and information related to the activities undertaken throughout 2021, the most significant correspond to the granting and presentation of the Princess of Asturias Awards and the arrangements for the corresponding cultural week surrounding the latter event. Last year’s edition of the Awards included 64 free events open to the public at large that were attended by more than 18 900 people, either in-person and online, the events being adapted to the public health conditions resulting from COVID-19 in terms of formats and a reduction in the number of attendees at any given event.

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