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Princess of Asturias Awards

Press/media passes may now be obtained for the Princess of Asturias Awards, currently in their forty-third year

The deadline for applying for passes is Friday 13th October.

PLEASE NOTE: The reproduction and broadcasting in Japan of images of Haruki Murakami at the events organized to mark the Princess of Asturias Awards will require prior consent from his office.

Press/media passes may now be obtained for the Princess of Asturias Awards, currently in their forty-third year

The solemn 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony, presided over by Their Majesties The King and Queen and with the presence of Her Royal Highnesses The Princess of Asturias, will take place at 6:30pm this coming Friday 20th October at the Campoamor Theatre in Oviedo.

An accredited press/media pass must be obtained from the Princess of Asturias Foundation to provide press coverage of the ceremony and of the programme of activities that will take place throughout Awards Week. The deadline for applying for an accredited press/media pass is Friday 13th October.

Security regulations require supplying the full name, ID card or passport number, and date and place of birth of each person applying for an accredited pass, as well as their function (press or media journalist or technician). Said information may be sent to the Foundation via email to the following address: acreditaciones@fpa.es.

Furthermore, all those applying for a pass must have their photograph taken at the Foundation’s press room, located in the Hotel Barceló Oviedo Cervantes (Calle Cervantes, 13, Oviedo), any time between 9:00am and 8:00pm from 16th to 20th October. Press/media passes may be collected as of Monday 16th October.

All informative material will be made available only in digital format via the Online Press Room on the institution’s website (www.fpa.en).

The restricted space available in some of the places where the events are to be held may mean limiting access to a certain number of journalists (press pools) at certain times. Press access will be restricted for both the official audience with the Laureates and the Awards Ceremony in order to facilitate the work of the media. The Foundation will provide further information regarding other possible events with limited access and how to obtain images of such events.

Each Princess of Asturias Award comprises a Joan Miró sculpture representing and symbolising the Award, a diploma, an insignia and a cash prize of €50 000.

PLEASE NOTE: Authorization to reproduce and broadcast images of Haruki Murakami in Japan.

Photographers, agencies and other media outlets should contact Haruki Murakami’s office in advance (via email: cin-ykm@ya2.so-net.ne.jp), in order to request express written consent to carry out any of the following actions in Japan: the direct or indirect reproduction, dissemination –or any other form of public communication– or for the provision to third parties of images and recordings of the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony or any other content related to these Awards in which the Laureate appears.

For further information, please contact the Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Communications Department.

Information of interest:

Mobile units can park on Calle Arquitecto Reguera, Oviedo, from 8:00pm on Tuesday 17th October onwards.
The press/media credentials office will be open to the public non-stop between 9:00am and 8:00pm, from Monday 16th to Friday 20th October so that those interested can have their photograph taken and collect their passes.

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