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Princess of Asturias Awards

Programme of cultural events marking the presentation of the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards

Programme of cultural events marking the presentation of the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards

The Princess of Asturias Foundation has put together a broad-ranging programme comprising 59 cultural activities to mark the forty-second edition of the Princess of Asturias Awards. Under the title of “Awards Week”, it will take place between 20th and 29th October and will open with the flamenco performance “Paraíso de los Negros” by María Pagés (joint 2022 Princess of Asturias Laureate for the Arts) on 20th October at the Niemeyer Centre in Avilés. The opening of the permanent installations at the former La Vega Arms Factory, Oviedo, will take place at 4:00pm on the 21st. Registration will open at 12 noon on Monday 17th October for the activities to be held between 20th and 23rd. In the case of the remaining events, registration will open at 9:00am on 22nd October. To visit the permanent installations at the Factory, it will be necessary to fill in the corresponding registration form, which will be made available on the Foundation’s website.

This year, the cultural events will be held in Avilés, Gijón, Güeñu/Bueño, Oviedo, Pola de Lena, Serín and Villaviciosa. Since 1996, the Foundation has scheduled different activities in diverse locations in Asturias aimed at making the Laureates and their contributions to the world of science, culture or any other field in which they work better known to society at large.

Within the framework of “Awards Week”, the Laureates will meet with the public, hold meetings with experts in their respective fields and feature in activities with students from several schools in Asturias.

The “Taking the Floor” cultural programme for schools is now in its seventh year. To date, there have been 5773 registrations by primary, secondary and pre-university students from 103 schools in the Principality of Asturias for this year’s edition. The initiative consists of seven activities that seek to make the merits and professional careers of the Laureates in the categories of Technical and Scientific Research (Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio and Demis Hassabis), Literature (Juan Mayorga), Concord (Shigeru Ban), the Arts (Carmen Linares and María Pagés), Social Sciences (Eduardo Matos Moctezuma), Sports (Olympic Refuge Foundation and Refugee Olympic Team) and International Cooperation (Ellen MacArthur) better known to the educational community.

Spain’s Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with Parliament and Democratic Memory, the Ministry of Defence, the Regional Ministry of Culture, Language Policies and Tourism of the Principality of Asturias, the Principality of Asturias Regional Parliament, Oviedo, Gijón and Avilés Municipal Councils and the Cajastur Foundation have all collaborated in the organization of this series of events marking the forty-second edition of the Princess of Asturias Awards.


To visit the permanent installations at the Arms Factory, it is mandatory to register in advance on the Foundation’s website. Visiting times:

  • Saturdays, Sunday and Friday 28th, from 11am to 2pm and from 4pm to 9pm.
  • Weekdays, from 4:00pm to 9:00pm.

Please check at the gate regarding the possibility of visiting the Factory without a ticket within the above times.


  • Programme of events (subject to change).
  • Updated information at: www.fpa.es/en


Events featuring Laureates are underlined.

The entrance to La Vega Arms Factory is on calle Marcelino Fernández, 2, Oviedo.

Programme of activities

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