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Princess of Asturias Awards

RTVE to provide the official host signal for the Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony

The presence of visual media will be limited at the events featuring Haruki Murakami and Meryl Streep.

RTVE to provide the official host signal for the Princess of Asturias Awards ceremony

As on previous occasions, the Spanish public service television and radio companies Televisión Española (TVE) and Radio Nacional de España (RNE) will be responsible for providing the official host signals for the solemn Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony, to be held at the Campoamor Theatre in Oviedo this coming Friday 20th October, starting at 6:30pm. TVE will also be providing the television signal for the audience of the Laureates with TM The King and Queen, and Their Royal Highnesses The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía, which will take place on Friday at 12:30pm “Salón Covadonga” reception room at the Reconquista Hotel.

RNE will provide the audio signal from the dressing rooms in the Campoamor Theatre to all the radio networks, while TVE will distribute the television signal. Media interested in using the official signal should get in touch beforehand with:

National signal:

International signal:


International control at TVE:

Telephone: 91 346 80 87.

The areas specially designated for news writers at the Campoamor Theatre will be Main Boxes 5, 7, 9 and 11 in the Dress Circle (“Principal”). Maximum one newswriter per media until the maximum number is reached. Due to the limited space available, newswriters are advised to follow the ceremony from the screens situated in the Foundation press room at the Hotel Barceló Oviedo Cervantes (Calle Cervantes, 13, Oviedo).




  • Maximum one newswriter per media at all events until the maximum number is reached.
  • During Meryl Streep’s visit to ESAD, newswriters will be able to follow the event from a classroom at the centre via a television screen.



  • Meeting with experts. Bonnie L. Bassler and Peter Greenberg, Joint 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureates for Technical and Scientific Research.
    Faculty of Biology, University of Oviedo, at 11:00am.
    This event will only have photographic/video coverage during the first 5 minutes.
  • Unscripted. A conversation between Meryl Streep and Antonio Banderas with the participation of the public.
    City of Oviedo Exhibition and Conference Centre at 7:30pm.
    Television cameras will not be allowed entry to the event. A broadcast signal (HD-SDI connection and BNC connector) will be provided during the first 10 minutes of the event. An XLR connection for audio will be made available to the media.
  • Murakami blues. Haruki Murakami meets with members of book clubs linked to public libraries.
    Jovellanos Theatre in Gijón at 7:30pm.
    Television cameras will not be allowed entry to the event. A broadcast signal (SDI connection) will be provided during the first 10 minutes of the event. An XLR connection for audio will be made available to the media.Photographers will be allowed entry during the first 5 minutes of the event.


  • Mura—Kamis. “Taking the Floor” cultural programme for schools.
    Haruki Murakami meets with a delegation of the teachers and 3rd and 4th year secondary and baccalaureate students who have participated in the “Taking the Floor” cultural programmes for schools activity inspired by his work.
    IES Carreño Miranda, en Avilés, a las 11:30 horas.
    Photographic/video coverage of this event will be limited to the first 5 minutes. An XLR connection for audio will be made available to the media.
  • Into the ESAD. 2023 Princess of Asturias Laureates for the Arts, meets with Dramatic Art students.
    School of Dramatic Arts of the Principality of Asturias (ESAD) at 12 noon.
    Television cameras will not be allowed entry to the event. A broadcast signal (HD-SDI connection and BNC connector) will be provided during the first 10 minutes of the event. Photographers will be allowed entry at the beginning and end of the event.


Recordings inside the auditorium may only be made before the concert starts. Video images will be made available through the Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Online Press Room to those media interested in obtaining images of the performance, which will take place at the Prince Felipe Auditorium in Oviedo on Thursday 19th October, starting at 7:30pm.


All the press conferences given by the Laureates will be broadcast over the Foundation’s website.

Photographic/video material on the events featuring the Laureates will be available in the Online Press Room (OPR) at: https://www.fpa.es/en/


Authorization to reproduce and broadcast images of Haruki Murakami in Japan.

Photographers, agencies and other media outlets should contact Haruki Murakami’s office in advance (via email: cin-ykm@ya2.so-net.ne.jp) in order to request express written consent to carry out any of the following actions in Japan: the direct or indirect reproduction, dissemination –or any other form of public communication– or for the provision to third parties of images and recordings of the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony or any other content related to these Awards in which the Laureate appears.

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