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Princess of Asturias Awards

RTVE to provide the official host signal for the Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony

The meeting that Juan Mayorga is to hold with book clubs and that of Yann LeCun and Demis Hassabis with students from the University of Oviedo’s School of Computer Engineering will both be streamed live online.

RTVE to provide the official host signal for the Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony

As on previous occasions, the Spanish public service television and radio companies Televisión Española (TVE) and Radio Nacional de España (RNE) will be responsible for providing the official host signals for the solemn Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony, which is to be held this coming Friday 28th October, starting at 6:30pm, at the Campoamor Theatre in Oviedo. TVE will also be providing the television signal for the audience of the Laureates with Their Majesties The King and Queen and Their Royal Highnesses The Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía of Spain, which will take place on Friday at 12:30pm in the “Salón Covadonga” reception room at the Reconquista Hotel.

RNE will provide the audio signal from the corridor of the dressing rooms in the Campoamor Theatre to all the radio networks, while TVE will distribute the television signal. Media interested in using the official signal should get in touch beforehand with:

National signal

International signal


TVE international control

Telephone: 91 346 80 87.

The areas specially designated for newswriters at the Campoamor Theatre will be Main Boxes 7, 9 and 11 in the Dress Circle (“Principal”). No more than one newswriter per media until the maximum number is reached. Due to the limited space available, journalists are advised to follow the ceremony from the screens situated in the Foundation press room at the Hotel Barceló Oviedo Cervantes (calle Cervantes, 13, Oviedo).


Monday 24th October

“Occupied by Words”: Juan Mayorga meets with members of book clubs linked to public libraries. The meeting will take place in the theatre of the La Laboral complex, in Gijón, starting at 7:30pm.

It will be streamed live on the Foundation's website.

Wednesday 26th October

  • “Journey to Tenochtitlan. A meetig with Humanities students”. Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, 2022 Princess of Asturias Laureate for Social Sciences, will meet with students from the University of Oviedo’s Faculty of Humanities. The meeting will be held in the faculty at 12:00pm.
    It will be streamed live on the Foundation’s website.
  • Working lunch with Eduardo Matos. To be held after the activity entitled “Journey to Tenochtitlan. A meeting with Humanities students”. The Laureate will lunch with different lecturers and archaeologists from the university in the Fuentes en Asturias Cafeteria, in Oviedo.
    This event will only feature graphic coverage.
  • “The New Frontiers of Global Journalism”: a round table and meeting between Adam Michnik and journalists at the Principality of Asturias Regional Parliament at 12 noon.
    The Regional Parliament will provide a signal for the meeting to the media that so wish through their institutional host signal and an audio distributor (XLR output).

Thursday 27th October

Yann LeCun and Demis Hassabis meet with students. The joint 2022 Princess of Asturias Laureates for Technical and Scientific Research will meet with students from the University of Oviedo’s School of Computer Engineering. The meeting will be held in the school’s main building at 12:30pm.

  • It will be streamed live on the Foundation’s website.
  • Broadcast with simultaneous translation in Laboratory 16 at the same school.
  • The media will have an XLR connection for the original English audio source.

Saturday 29th October

Carmen Linares. 40 years of flamenco”. This concert includes a repertoire that has raised Linares to the status of a legend of the art of flamenco, including her anthology of cantes sung by women, Federico García Lorca’s songbook and her tributes to Enrique Morente, Mercedes Sosa and Paco de Lucía (2004 Prince of Asturias Laureate for the Arts). The concert will commence at 8:00pm in the Warehouse building in the La Vega Arms Factory.

Graphic journalists may only be present during the beginning of the concert (the first three songs).


Recordings may only be made inside the auditorium before the start of the concert. Video images of the flamenco performance “Carmen y María. Two paths, but one gaze”, which will take place at the Prince Felipe Auditorium in Oviedo starting at 7:30pm on Thursday 17th October, will be made available via the Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Online Press Room (www.fpa.es/en) to those media interested in obtaining images of the event.

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