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Princess of Asturias Awards

Santiago Grisolía, Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, has died

He received the Award jointly in 1990 together with Salvador Moncada.

Santiago Grisolía, Prince of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research, has died

Santiago Grisolía, 1990 Prince of Asturias Laureate for Technical and Scientific Research, has passed away.

The Jury decided to grant him the Award jointly with Salvador Moncada “for his scientific work in highly diverse fields within Biochemistry, principally the enzymology of nitrogen metabolism related with the urea cycle and the breakdown of pyrimidines.”

Chaired by Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, the Jury was made up of Antonio F. Rañada, Francisco Grande Covián, Germán Lastra López, Fernando Lozano Cuervo, Emilio Llorente Gómez, Juan Oró, Julio R. Villanueva, Francisco Javier Sitges Menéndez and José Antonio Martínez Álvarez, as acting secretary.

Presided over by HM King Felipe VI, then Prince of Asturias, the Awards Ceremony was held on 18th October. Besides the address by His Majesty, the speeches at the ceremony were given by Hans Dietrich Genscher, Solomon Gaón, on behalf of the Sephardic Communities, and Plácido Arango, President of the Foundation at that time.

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