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Princess of Asturias Awards

The meetings of the juries responsible for granting the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards will commence on 25th April

322 nominations had been submitted as of 2nd March.

The meetings of the juries responsible for granting the 2023 Princess of Asturias Awards will commence on 25th April

Around 180 public figures will make up the eight Juries responsible for granting the Princess of Asturias Awards (one for each Award). The first jury will meet this coming 25th April. This will be the forty-third edition of the Awards conferred annually by the Princess of Asturias Foundation.

Deliberations will take place at the Reconquista Hotel, in Oviedo, according to the following schedule:


  • Arts: 25th and 26th April


  • Communication and Humanities: 3rd and 4th May
  • Social Sciences: 9th and 10th May
  • Sports: 17th and 18th May
  • Literature: 23rd May and 24th June
  • International Cooperation: 31st May and 1st June


  • Technical and Scientific Research: 6th and 7th June
  • Concord: 13th and 14th June

On the first day of the meeting, the members of the corresponding jury will meet with the media around 11:00am, immediately prior to the beginning of deliberations, which will commence at 11:30am. The decision will be announced at 12 noon (GMT+02:00) on the second day each jury meets.

As is customary, the presentation of the Princess of Asturias Awards will take place in October in a solemn ceremony presided over by Their Majesties The King and Queen of Spain, accompanied by Their Royal Highnesses The Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofía of Spain.

Each Princess of Asturias Award comprises a Joan Miró sculpture representing and symbolising the Award, a diploma, an insignia, and a cash prize of €50,000.

Nominations submitted

At the close of the nomination period, 2nd March last, the Foundation’s offices had received 322 nominations comprising 49 nationalities. Those submitting nominations include prestigious universities, academic and cultural institutions, research centres of international scope, Spain’s ambassadors, representatives of the accredited diplomatic corps in Spain and laureates from previous years.

The Regulations establish that the following may submit nominations for the different Princess of Asturias Award categories: Laureates from previous editions, members of the eight Juries, provided they do not submit nominations for the Award in the category corresponding to the Jury of which they are a member, Spanish embassies, diplomatic representations in Spain, those public figures and institutions of renown and other public figures and institutions invited to do so by the Foundation.

Laureates from previous years and Jury members can submit nominations until six calendar days prior to the date of convening the jury corresponding to the category for which such nominations are submitted.

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