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Social networks

Principles governing the use of the Princess of Asturias Foundation’s Social Networks

The Princess of Asturias Foundation (hereafter FPA) is present on the different social networks via official websites and/or profiles in order to raise awareness of the institution and its activities, as well as to listen to, talk and interact with its followers.

Framework for Participation

The framework of user participation in such networks will be governed by the principles of freedom of expression and respect for democratic values. These spaces provide a forum for the exchange of views and constructive debate, but are not an appropriate forum for creating controversy or demeaning other users or third parties.

Principles of Action

The FPA is not responsible for any comments, opinions or statements made by third parties. In this respect, the FPA is not obliged to monitor the views expressed by such third parties as the whole or to actively seek out opinions intended to infringe upon, among other things, the honour, privacy or image of people and institutions, children's rights or intellectual property rights. Consequently,

  • The aid of all those people involved in the spaces the FPA opens up is appreciated not only in terms of taking part both actively and constructively, but also to warn of the presence of inappropriate comments that are to be duly removed.
  • For the aforementioned reasons, the FPA reserves the right to remove posts contrary to the above principles, as well as those that are xenophobic, sexist, obscene, threatening, defamatory, constitute an apology of terrorism or which violate human rights, among others. Furthemore, those comments that do not adhere to the contents of the FPA websites and profiles on the social networks or to the posts published on them by the institution are likely to be removed.
  • Users may not post advertising material in their comments or direct messages or make use of these pages and profiles to make money or do business.
  • The FPA reserves the right not to respond to comments or messages it receives from unidentified individuals (full name), or from those organizations whose accounts have not been verified or linked to an identifying website.
  • The rights to all images, works and/or videos posted on the official FPA website on the different social networks are protected by copyright law and therefore cannot be used in any way whatsoever, in particular via their reproduction, distribution, public communication, publicizing or transformation, without express prior authorisation from the FPA. For its part, the FPA is not responsible for any possible misuse any user may make of them outside of this framework and reserves the right to take appropriate legal action should the case arise.
  • Neither is the FPA responsible for any web link that is not its own posted on its pages and profiles by third parties.

The principles specified in this document are also to be taken into account if, should the case arise, the FPA is obliged to remove certain content or ban a user follower from accessing the institution's profiles on the different social networks.

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