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Words by Her Royal Highness

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Words by Her Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias at the 2020 Princess of Asturias Awards Ceremony

Your Majesties, Your Highness, Excellencies, Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been a year since I participated for the first time in this ceremony and I will never forget that 18th October 2019. Owing to its significance and for all the affection I received. I am very grateful for it. Also, it is exciting for me to be here again today. It is the 40th anniversary of the Foundation and my commitment to it, to the Laureates and to Asturias is growing firm and solid.

A year later, everything has changed a lot. Our Awards Ceremony cannot be held as usual, as I have experienced myself and as my parents have told me so many times. I would like to recognize the efforts of all those who have made it possible for us to be here today. Of course, my admiration and respect also go to the Laureates, whom we honour here today. We have a lot to learn from you.

The pandemic that we are experiencing in Spain and in the rest of the world has altered our lives in many ways. My most respectful memory is always for the people who have died due to covid19 and for their families. And also for those who are suffering from the disease right now.

I am almost fifteen years old. Like many children and young people my age, I follow what is happening in our country very closely. And after not going to school for months, going back to class showed us that we have to adapt to these new circumstances, always hoping that everything will improve.

But if there is something that my sister Sofía and I have learned, it is the sense of responsibility. Our parents have always taught us this. And I think the young people of my generation are also aware of this. A sense of responsibility that comes about by never forgetting the people around us, those who love us and whom we love.

And we have also seen the importance of solidarity thanks to people who, like the Laureates, are an example of how to face difficulties. With your extraordinary work and talent, you set the path for us all.

When at times like these we try to be responsible and supportive, we ensure a better future. That is why our Awards give us hope, because they constitute a recognition of those who, with dedication, work tirelessly to jointly achieve the advancement and well-being of the whole of society.

Thank you very much.

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