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Antonio Domínguez Ortiz Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 1982

Antonio Domínguez Ortiz

At its meeting held in Oviedo on 25th and 30th April 1982, the Jury for the 1982 Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences, made up of José Ramón Alvarez Rendueles, Juan José Linz, Raúl Morodo, Román Perpiñá, Manuel Tuñón de Lara and Juan Velarde, chaired by Antonio Hernández Gil and with José Ignacio García Lomas acting as secretary, has unanimously decided to bestow this Award on Antonio Domínguez Ortiz.

After careful deliberation in which several very deserving names corresponding to the different disciplines that fall within the scope of this Award were taken into consideration, the Jury has finally and unanimously decided to confer the Award on Antonio Domínguez Ortiz, considering this to be due reward for a life and a body of knowledge devoted to scientific research into history and to teaching, via which he has made crucial contributions to our knowledge and identification of Spain’s past, especially that of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.

Oviedo, 30th April 1982

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