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Pablo García Baena Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 1984

Pablo García Baena

The members of the Jury for the 1984 Prince of Asturias Award for Letters, Jesús Aguirre, Duke of Alba, Emilio Alarcos Llorach, Carlos Luis Álvarez, Luis María Ansón, Rosa Chacel, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Miguel Herrero Rodríguez de Miñón, José María Martínez Cachero, Jorge Semprún, and Mario Vargas Llosa, gathered in Oviedo on the 14th and 15th of June, 1984, under the presidency of Dámaso Alonso and with Juan Cueto Alas acting as secretary, have decided by majority to grant this award to Pablo García Baena for his perseverance in cultivating an independent aesthetic attitude, and for his influence upon new tendencies in Spanish poetry.

Oviedo, 15th June 1984

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