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David Vázquez Martínez and Emilio Rosenblueth Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research 1985

David Vázquez Martínez and Emilio Rosenblueth

The members of the Jury for the 1985 Prince of Asturias Award for Arts, Mariano Barbacid, Joaquín Barraquer, Antonio Fernández-Rañada, Francisco Grande Covián, Santiago Grisolía, José Antonio Jimenez Salas, José Antonio Martínez, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Juan Oró, Enrique Sánchez Monge, José Antonio Torroja and Enrique Trillas gathered in Oviedo on the 6th and 7th of June, 1985, under the presidency of Severo Ochoa and with Julio Rodríguez Villanueva acting as secretary, have agreed unanimously to grant this award to David Vázquez Martínez and Emilio Rosenblueth. To David Vázquez, teacher of research at the Higher Council for Scientific Research, for the significant merit of his creative work in science, for his contributions to our knowledge of the mechanisms of the action of antibiotics and the molecular basis for protein biosynthesis.

Oviedo, 7th June 1985

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