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Sephardic Comunities Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1990

Sephardic Comunities

The members of the Jury for the 1990 Prince of Asturias Award for Concorde, Juan Abelló, Plácido Arango, Adolfo Barthe Aza, Joaquín Bertrán, Jaime Carvajal, José Celma, José Cosmen Adelaida, Juan Cueto, José María Entrecanales, Rafael Fernández Álvarez, Angel Fernández Noriega, José Ferrer Salat, Juan S. López Arranz, Teodoro López-Cuesta, Antonio Masip, Rafael del Pino, José Antonio Rumeu, José Angel Sánchez Asiaín, and Fernando de Ybarra, gathered in Oviedo on the 1st of June, 1990 under the presidency of Pedro de Silva and with José Antonio Caicoya acting as secretary, have decided to grant this award to the Sephardic Communities scattered around the globe, a well-loved part of the great Hispanic family, who left the Iberian Peninsula five hundred years ago with the keys to their houses in their hands. Far from their homeland, the Sephardim became a wandering Spain, which has preserved their ancestors´ cultural and linguistic legacy with unmatched care. After five centuries of estrangement, this Award aims to contribute to the process of reconciliation already underway, calling these communities to rediscover their origins, opening for ever the doors to their ancient country.

Oviedo, 1st June 1990

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