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Médicins Sans Fronterières and Medicus Mundi Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1991

Médicins Sans Fronterières and Medicus Mundi

The Jury for the 1991 Prince of Asturias Award for Concorde, comprising Plácido Arango Arias, Agustín Antuña Alonso, Fernando de Asúa Alvarez, Jose Ramón Fernández Cuevas, Juan Sebastián López Arranz, Jose Lladó Fernández- Urrutia, Rafael Martínez Cortiña, Mariano Puig Planas, Cándido Velázquez-Gaztelu Ruiz and Emilio de Ybarra Churruca, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos-Jovellanos and with José Antonio Caicoya Cores acting as secretary, taking into account the effective contribution made by both organisations to alleviate the disease situation in those countries worst hit by injustice, poverty or catastrophe, accepting all the risks which this involves, the generous understanding of professional commitment, which extends to the altruistic work of volunteers, and the example which they give to the world, giving pride of place to the values of solidarity on which true harmony between peoples rests, have agreed unanimously to grant the 1991 Prince of Asturias Award for Concorde jointly to the organisations Médicins sans Frontières and Medicus Mundi.

Oviedo, 31st May 1991

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