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Puerto Rico's People Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 1991

Puerto Rico's People

The Jury for the 1991 Prince of Asturias Award for Letters, comprising Jesús Aguirre, Duke of Alba; Luis María Ansón; Antonio Gallego Morell; Domingo García Sabell, Jose María Martínez Cachero, Arturo Uslar Prieti, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, and Antonio Vilanova, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Camilo Jose Cela and with Emilio Alarcos Llorach acting as secretary, have agreed unanimously at the first vote, an unprecedented case in the history of this award, to grant the 1991 Prince of Asturias Award for Letters to the people of Puerto Rico, whose representative authorities, with exemplary decisiveness, have declared Spanish to be the only official language of their country.

Oviedo, 19th April 1991

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