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Emilio García Gómez Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 1992

Emilio García Gómez

The Jury for the 1992 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, comprising Carlos Luis Álvarez, Elías Díaz, Nativel González Preciado, José María Martín Patino, Ángel Losada, José Luis Pinillos, Javier Tussell and Gustavo Villapalos, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Domingo García Sabell, and with José Ramón Fernández Cuevas acting as secretary, have unanimously agreed to grant the 1992 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities to Professor Emilio García Gómez. In particular, the Jury valued the profound scientific and cultural significance of Professor García Gómez´s work in the field of editing and studying texts of vital importance for our understanding of Islamic culture and literature, such as "El collar de la paloma" (The Collar of the Dove), as well as analyses of and commentaries on other fundamental works. Among these, his "Foco de antigua luz sobre la Alhambra" (Beam of Ancient Light on the Alhambra), is a masterful recreation of key moments in the history of Islam in Spain. His indisputable influence as a teacher within the world of Arabic studies and the universal influence of his great works have decisively contributed to a better understanding of the Islamic way of life and culture.

Oviedo, 24th April 1992

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