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Association for Peace in the Basque Country Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1993
The Jury for the 1993 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord, comprising Eduardo Abellán, Agustín Antuña, Plácido Arango Arias, Adolfo Barthe Aza, Claudio Boada, José Celma Prieto, Rafael Fernández, José Ramón Fernández Cuevas, Ignacio Fierro Viña, José Manuel García Hermoso, Santiago Gascón, Manuel Gómez de Pablos, Martín González del Valle, Baron of Grado, Juan de Herrera, Marquis of Viesca de la Sierra, Gabino de Lorenzo, Rafael Martínez Cortiña, Aurelio Menéndez, Javier Ruiz Ogarrio, Rafael del Pino Moreno, Juan Luis Rodríguez Vigil, José Antonio Rumeu de Delás, José Ángel Sánchez Asiaín and Roman Suárez Blanco, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Antonio Trevín Lombán and with Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos-Jovellanos acting as secretary, have agreed unanimously, due to their selfless desire to contribute to eliminating violence and to establishing and consolidating peace so mankind may rightly live together, doing so through truly civic forms of actions, which make their example transcend far beyond the phenomenon to which they respond, to grant the 1993 Prince of Asturias Award for Concorde to the Basque Gesture for Peace Movement (Coordinadora Gesto por la Paz de Euskal Herria / Euskal Herriko Bakearen Aldeko Koordinakundea).
Oviedo, 10th September 1993
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