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Javier Sotomayor Prince of Asturias Award for Sports 1993

The Jury for the 1993 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports, comprising Vicente Álvarez Areces, José María Casanovas, Rafael Cortés Elvira, Carlos Ferrer Salat, Julián García Candau, Luis Infante Bravo, Herminio Menéndez, Primo Nebiolo, Santiago Nolla Zayas, Alfonso Rodríguez Allen, Jaques Rogge and José Luis Vilaseca i Guasch, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Juan Antonio Saramanch and with José María García acting as secretary, have decided by majority, after seven votes, to grant the 1993 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports to Javier Sotomayor.
This charismatic, twenty-six-year-old Cuban athlete is currently the Olympic high-jump champion. He is also World Champion and world record-holder, which he achieved on the 27 June 1993 with a jump of 2.45 m.
Oviedo, 3rd September 1993
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