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Spanish Missions in Rwanda and Burundi Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 1994

Spanish Missions in Rwanda and Burundi

The Jury for the 1994 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities, comprising Carlos Luis Álvarez, Antonio Colinas, Bernardo Fernández, Javier Gómez Cuesta, José María Martín Patino, Jesús de la Serna, and Amelia Valcárcel, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Domingo García Sabell and with Jorge Fernández Bustillo acting as secretary, have agreed by majority to grant the 1994 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities to the Spanish missions in Rwanda and Burundi, who, in the Jury´s opinion, have moved public opinion deeply, reporting, at great risk, the tragedy of Rwanda. At the same time, by their behaviour, which the Jury wish to represent symbolically by Sister Pilar Díez Espelosín, they have displayed human moral values and solidarity which are an exceptional example in modern society.

The Jury include in their recognition the heroic labour of lay helpers in these countries (Rwanda and Burundi).

Oviedo, 22nd April 1994

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