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Hassiba Boulmerka Prince of Asturias Award for Sports 1995

The Jury for the 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports, Vicente Alvarez Areces, Ángel Mario Carreño Rodríguez-Maribona, José María Casanovas, José Ángel Castro, Rafael Cortés Elvira, Carlos Ferrer Salat, Julián García Candau, Juan Manuel Gozalo, Luis Infante Bravo, María del Carmen Izquierdo, Herminio Menéndez, Santiago Nolla Zayas, José Ramón Prado Pérez, Matías Prats Luque, Pál Schmitt, Mario Vázquez Raña, José Luis Vilaseca i Guasch, gathered in Oviedo under the presidency of Juan Antonio Saramanch, and with José María García acting as secretary, have agreed by majority to grant the 1995 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports to the Algerian athlete Hassiba Boulmerka, world 1,500 metres champion in Tokyo (1991) and Gothenburg, Olympic champion at the 1992 Barcelona Games.
The Jury has valued in this award the sporting values of this athlete and the human values which grace her. Boulmerka is a representative of a country and of a world in which the facilities for playing sports are not the most favourable for women.
Oviedo, 8th September 1995.
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