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Mstislav Rostropovich and Yehudi Menuhin Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1997

Mstislav Rostropovich and Yehudi Menuhin

Assembled together in Oviedo, the 1997 Prince of Asturias Award Jury for Concord, comprised of Gabino de Lorenzo Ferrera, José Ramón Álvarez Rendueles, Cesáreo Alierta, Miguel Blesa, Claudio Boada, José Celma Prieto, Ramón Colao Caicoya, José Cosmen Adelaida, Juan Manuel Desvalls Maristany, José Ramón Fernández Cuevas, Manuel Gómez de Pablos, Juan de Herrera, marquis of Viesca de la Sierra, Elías Masaveu, Francisco Prada Gayoso, Victoriano Reinoso y Reino, Matías Rodríguez Inciarte, José Antonio Rumeu de Delás, Santiago de Ybarra y Churruca, presided over by Sergio Marqués and with Pedro de Silva Cienfuegos-Jovellanos acting as secretary, upon considering that their greatest contributions to freedom, defending the rights of the weak and the noblest of causes, have been achieved through personal commitment, and that with the universality of their music they have also contributed to the harmony and concord between peoples, has unanimously decided to grant the 1997 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord to Yehudi Menuhin and Mstislav Rostropovich.

Oviedo, 23rd May 1997

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