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Francisco Ayala Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 1998

Gathered together in Oviedo, the Jury for the 1998 Prince of Asturias Award for Letters, comprised of Andrés Amorós, Luis María Anson, Pedro Casals, Antonio Colinas, Víctor García de la Concha, Domingo García-Sabell, Soledad Puértolas, Carmen Riera, Darío Villanueva, presided over by Fernando Lázaro Carreter, and with José María Martínez Cachero acting as secretary, has decided, by a majority, to grant the 1998 Prince of Asturias Award for Letters to Francisco Ayala.
Francisco Ayala is one of the most accomplished intellectual figures of our contemporary literature: avant-garde writer in the pre-civil war years, sociologist, professor in many American universities, memoirist, writer of articles, one of the foremost writers during the years of exile, master in the use of our language.
All of his work is characterised by its lucidity, open-mindedness, and delving into the human condition, never afraid of reaching what is at bottom. His broad influence spreads throughout the Hispanic world.
Oviedo, 22nd May 1998
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