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George Steiner Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2001

George Steiner

The Jury for the Prince of Asturias Award for Communications and Humanities 2001, convened in Oviedo, comprising Adela Cortina, Ricardo Díez Hochleitner, Isabel Gómez Acebo, Javier Gómez Cuesta, Miguel Ángel Gozalo, Juan Luis Iglesias Prada, Jorge Lozano, Catalina Luca de Tena, Hans Meinke, Beatriz de Moura, Pedro Páramo, Ernesto Sáenz de Buruaga, Ricardo Senabre, Jesús de la Serna, Enrique de Ybarra, chaired by Manuel Olivencia and with Román Suárez Blanco as secretary, decided by majority vote to grant the Prince of Asturias Award for Communications and Humanities 2001 to George G. Steiner.

The Jury has bestowed the award on one of the most outstanding humanists of our time, the author of an extensive and varied literary production that has shed light on fundamental facets of our culture in essays that bring together literature, history, theology and anthropology. In his work, Steiner undertakes a critical analysis of the effects that the humanities, artistic creation and scientific knowledge have had on the shaping of the human spirit.

Heir to different cultures and speaker of several languages, Steiner personifies the harmonious synthesis of opposing tendencies in a world vision that inspires a belief in the possibility of mutual understanding that is above and beyond coincidental differences.

Being a critic for newspapers and publications with large circulations has had a manifold effect on extending the influence of his knowledge and beliefs.

Oviedo, 9th May 2001

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