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The Brazilian Football Squad Prince of Asturias Award for Sports 2002

The Brazilian Football Squad

The jury for the Prince of Asturias Award for Sports 2002, convened in Oviedo, comprising D. José Antonio Camacho, D. Ángel Mario Carreño, D. José María Casanovas, D. Jose María Coto López, D. José Ángel de la Casa, Dña. María Escario, D. Manuel Estiarte, D. Enrique Franco, D. Julián García Candau, D. Juan Antonio Gómez- Angulo, D. Daniel Gutiérrez Granda, D. Miguel Indurain, D. Luis Infante Bravo, D.ª María del Carmen Izquierdo, D. Antonio Lobato, D. Carlos Martínez de Campos y Carulla, D. Nemesio Rodríguez López, D. Juan Antonio San Epifanio, D. Manuel Santana, D. José Luis Vilaseca i Guasch, D.ª Emma Villacieros, chaired by Juan Antonio Samaranch and with D. Herminio Menéndez as secretary, have taken the majority decision to bestow the 2002 Prince of Asturias Award for Sports to the Brazilian football squad, who became five-time winners of the World Cup this year.

The jury has considered not only the sporting merits but also the value of social integration that football has in Brazil. Football expresses virtues that are part of the nation´s identity and development.

The Jury considers that winning five World Championships is as important as the grass-roots impact of football in Brazil. Besides being a sport, it is a sentiment and a passion shared by the whole of the Brazilian nation.

Oviedo, 24th September 2002

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