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Woody Allen Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts 2002

Woody Allen

The jury for the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts 2002, convened in Oviedo, comprising D. Fernando Argenta, D. Alfonso Cortina de Alcocer, D.ª María de Corral López Dóriga, D. Jorge Fernández Bustillo, D. Álvaro Fernández-Villaverde y de Silva, D. Guillermo García-Alcalde, D.ª Rosina Gómez-Baeza y Tinturé, D. Manuel Gómez de Pablos González, D. Luis Hernando, D.ª Rosa María Malet Ybern, D. Manuel Martín Ferrand, D.ª María Teresa Ocaña Gomà, D. Benigno Pendás García, D. Juan Ramón Pérez las Clotas, Dª. Ana Rodríguez Navarro, D. Gonzalo Suárez, D. Rodrigo Uría Meruéndano, D. Miguel Zugaza Miranda, chaired by D. José Lladó y Fernández-Urrutia and with D. José Antonio Caicoya as secretary, agree to bestow the 2002 Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts on Allan Konigsberg, known to the world at large as Woody Allen. His considerable creative talent and his work as a writer, scriptwriter, actor and film director, displayed in the thirty-two films he has made to date, make him a key figure in recent cinema history. His exemplary independence and his keen critical sense highlight the fact that he is a citizen of the world with his roots in New York. His entire work has its own unique style to it, and by experimenting in all the genres -from cine noir to the musical, with Greek tragedy and reinvented comedy along the way- he has contributed to the progress of the seventh art. Furthermore, his keen sense of irony has established links between American and European cinema, to the mutual benefit of them both.

Oviedo, 4th June 2002

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