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Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 2007

Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem

At its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2007 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord made up of Mr. Fernando de Almansa, viscount of Castillo de Almansa, Mr. Isak Andic Ermay, Mr. Adolfo Barthe Aza, Mr. Javier Benjumea Llorente, marquis of Puebla de Cazalla, Mr. Miguel Blesa, Mr. José Celma Prieto, Mr. Ramón Colao Caicoya, Mr. Jacobo Cosmen Menéndez-Castañedo, Mr. Francisco Daurella, Mr. Juan Manuel Desvalls, marquis of Poal, Mr. Isidro Fainé, Mr. Pedro Luis Fernández, Ms. Paz Fernández Felgueroso, Mr. Francisco de la Fuente Sánchez, Mr. Juan Ramón García Secades, Mr. Juan Luis Iglesias Prada, Mr. Fernando Menéndez Rexach, Mr. Carlos Pérez de Bricio, Mr. Matías Rodríguez Inciarte, Mr. Antonio Suárez Gutiérrez, Mr. Antonio Trevín Lombán, Mr. José María Villanueva Fernández, Mr. Santiago de Ybarra, Mr. Santiago Zaldumbide, chaired by Mr. Vicente Álvarez Areces and with Mr. Pedro de Silva as secretary, has decided to bestow the 2007 Prince of Asturias Award for Concord upon the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, a living memorial to a great historic tragedy; For its tenacious work in fostering from this remembrance, both in present-day and in future generations, the overcoming of hate, racism and bigotry.

Oviedo, 12th September, 2007

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