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Margaret Atwood Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 2008

"I am thrilled and honoured to have been awarded this highly important prize. The Prince of Asturias Awards are not only a great tribute to literature, the humanities, and the sciences, but also to the universal project of building a sane, human society".
Margaret Atwood
Toronto, 25th June 2008
"On behalf of the Government of Canada and of all Canadians, I wish to offer my sincerest congratulations to you for winning the Prince of Asturias Award for Letters. This prestigious award is one of the most important international prizes for the arts and honours those whose creative and humanistic work has made a critical impact on humanity. The award reflects the extraordinary literary eminence you have achieved both in Canada and around the world.
Appreciation of our authors counts among Canada's greatest cultural successes. Canadians are passionate about writing and Canada has nurtured some of the world's most critically acclaimed and commercially successful authors. These writers have brought Canada's rich cultural heritage and unique voice to the world stage. You have contributed immeasurably to this vibrant tradition.
I am pleased to join with all Canadians in expressing great pride in your outstanding contribution to literature and in wishing you continued success in your writing career".
The Honourable Josée Verner, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women
and Minister for La Francophonie
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