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Tzvetan Todorov Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 2008

Tzvetan Todorov


"I am sincerely honoured for this acknowledgment. It is also a wonderful coincidence to be bestowed with this award precisely when I am in Spain. I feel moved to be recognized with this European award from the Spanish Royal Household. Because, when I am here in Spain I am considered French and when I am in France I am considered Bulgarian. For somebody like me, who loves Europe, this Award has made me feel strongly and deeply moved".

Tzvetan Todorov
Plasencia (Spain), 18th June 2008

Texto negrita.

"I wish to convey my sincerest congratulations to Mr. Tzvetan Todorov, who has been presented with the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences. It is the first time this award has been bestowed upon a French intellectual. This prestigious recognition acknowledges the quality of his work and the uniqueness of his thought, which is studied in universities worldwide. Mr. Tzvetan Todorov´s view of the World is open, severe and eloquent, always striving to uncover false concepts and help raise true ideas. This kind of work is now needed more than ever.

The life and work of Mr. Tzvetan Todorov are in line with his demanding thought. This is shown by his works on the conquest of Mexico and totalitarian concentration camps, his writings on the discovery of the New World and his research on the history of humanism in Europe.

I wish to emphasize the European symbolism in the decision of the Foundation of the Heir to the Spanish Crown, when bestowing this award upon a Bulgarian-born intellectual who opted to become a French citizen 35 years ago. The French nation is at its best when it shows its capability of being enriched by external talents such as Mr Tzvetan Todorov´s."

Bernard Kouchner
Paris, 19th June 2008

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