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Antonio Muñoz Molina Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 2013

At its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award for Literature, composed of Mr Andrés Amorós Guardiola, Mr Luis María Anson Oliart, Mr Xuan Bello Fernández, Ms Amelia Castilla Alcolado, Mr Juan Cruz Ruiz, Mr Luis Alberto de Cuenca y Prado, Mr José Luis García Martín, Mr Álex Grijelmo García, Ms Rosa Navarro Durán, Ms Carmen Riera i Guilera, Mr Fernando Rodríguez Lafuente, Mr Fernando Sánchez Dragó, Ms Diana Sorensen, Mr Sergio Vila-Sanjuan Robert, chaired by Mr José Manuel Blecua Perdices and with Mr José Luis García Delgado acting as secretary, has decided to confer the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award for Literature on the Spanish writer Antonio Muñoz Molina for the depth and brilliance with which he has narrated relevant fragments of his country’s history, crucial episodes of the contemporary world and meaningful aspects of his personal experience. A body of work which admirably reveals his condition as an intellectual with a commitment to his time.
Oviedo, 5th June 2013
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