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Antonio Muñoz Molina Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 2013

Antonio Muñoz Molina

Statement by Antonio Muñoz Molina on being bestowed with the 2013 Prince of Asturias Award for Literature:

"Faced with distinctions such as this, one can only express gratitude and surprise, because there are many writers who would deserve it as much or more than me. I am especially glad in view of the joy that it will undoubtedly bring to my friends, my family and my readers, to whom I owe the inducement to continue writing on a daily basis.

I would like to enjoy this award as a celebration of literature, a craft which has given meaning to my life and which links me to thousands of readers I do not know, but with whom I maintain an intimate and civilized dialogue.

I hope not to disappoint those who have placed so much trust in me and I will continue to work with commitment and effort. Thank you very much "

Antonio Muñoz Molina
Madrid, 5th June 2013

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