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Pau and Marc Gasol Princess of Asturias Award for Sports 2015

Pau and Marc Gasol

At its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2015 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports, composed of Jesús Álvarez Cervantes, Alejandro Blanco Bravo, Miriam Blasco Soto, Óscar Campillo Madrigal, Miguel Carballeda Piñeiro, Marisol Casado Estupiñán, José María Casanovas i Punti, Joaquín Folch-Rusiñol Corachán, Jorge Garbajosa Chaparro, José López-Terradas Díaz, Gemma Mengual Civil, Javier Muñoz Gallego, Santiago Nolla Zayas, María Rodríguez Escario, Eduardo Roldán Oses, Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs, Amaya Valdemoro Madariaga, Josep Lluís Vilaseca i Guasch, Theresa Zabell Lucas, chaired by Abel Antón Rodrigo and with Julián Redondo Pérez acting as secretary, has decided to grant the 2015 Princess of Asturias Award for Sports on Pau and Marc Gasol, two brothers and extraordinary sportsmen who have combined major sporting achievements with exemplary social work.

In addition to their major triumphs with the Spanish team, both starred in a historical image in which two brothers faced each other for the first time ever in the NBA in the opening tipoff of the 2015All-Star Game, symbolizing that they have reached the top in the most competitive basketball league in the world.

Oviedo, 3rd June 2015

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