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Núria Espert Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts 2016

Núria Espert

At its meeting in Oviedo, the Jury for the 2016 Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts, composed of Bárbara Allende Gil de Biedma, José Luis Cienfuegos Marcello, Marzio Conti, Carlos Fitz-James Stuart Martínez de Irujo, Duke of Alba, Josep María Flotats i Picas, Carmen Giménez Martín, Catalina Luca de Tena y García-Conde, Hans Meinke Paege, Elena Ochoa Foster, Alfredo Pérez de Armiñán y de la Serna, Sandra Rotonto Urcola, Benedetta Tagliabue, Patricia Urquiola Hidalgo, Carlos Urroz Arancibia, Miguel Zugaza Miranda, chaired by José Lladó Fernández-Urrutia and with José Antonio Caicoya Cores acting as secretary, has agreed to grant the 2016 Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts to Núria Espert.

Núria Espert is one of the most eminent figures in the theatre world. She represents the recovery and continuity of the great tradition of Spanish theatre, both in Spanish and Catalan, and has raised Spanish literature and classical and contemporary theatre to new heights on the international scene over a long and rich career that has brought her acclaim on stages all around the world.

Her theatre is characterized by a fidelity to the ideals and aspirations of humanism and has always placed itself at the service of poetry and the essence of dramatic prose.

Oviedo, 11th May 2016

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