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European Union Princess of Asturias Award for Concord 2017

European Union

Joint statement by Antonio Tajani, Jean Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk on the conferral of the 2017 Princess of Asturias Award for Concord on the European Union

“The Princess of Asturias Award for Concord granted to the European Union is a significant recognition in a year marked by the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

Six decades ago, the founding fathers of the EU sowed the seeds of a united Europe in the ashes of a devastating war. Since then, the path we have followed has helped us develop a union of peoples, allowing Europeans to embark upon a project of peace, democracy and prosperity.

Thirty years ago, Spain joined this European adventure enthusiastically and with a constructive spirit. Today, it has become one of the main protagonists of the European project.

On behalf of the European Union, we accept this prestigious award and we express our appreciation for the recognition and great honour bestowed upon the EU by Spain.”

Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament
Jean Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission
Donald Tusk, President of the European Council
Bruselas, 21st de June 2017

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