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The Guadalajara International Book Fair and the Hay Festival of Literature & Arts Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2020

The Guadalajara International Book Fair and the Hay Festival of Literature & Arts

Statement by Raúl Padilla López, chairman of The Guadalajara International Book Fair, following the conferral of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Awards for Communication and Humanities

“This Tuesday morning has been overwhelming, with so much affection being received from the friends who, from very early on, called and sent messages to congratulate us on the recent announcement of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities that we proudly share with our friends at the Hay Festival of Literature & Arts. We are very grateful to each and every one of the members of the Jury, chaired by Víctor García de la Concha, as well as to all the prominent figures in literary and cultural spheres who, for several years, have endorsed our candidature for this important award.

It is an honour for those of us who form part of the Guadalajara International Book Fair Organizing Committee to accept this tremendous recognition, which underpins and consolidates uninterrupted work over 34 years in support of the publishing trade in Latin America, Spanish-speaking readers and intercultural dialogue. We are also honoured to share it with the Hay Festival, whose importance is likewise undeniable. We are grateful, of course, to the Princess of Asturias Foundation and all its governing bodies.

As you will know, FIL Guadalajara was founded by the University of Guadalajara, so this award constitutes the recognition of all the university students who join in this great festival of knowledge each year in a spirit of social commitment. But we also assume this award as a tribute to all the authors, booksellers, publishers, readers and Spanish speakers, to whom the Guadalajara International Book Fair belongs.

The 2020 Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities comes to us in difficult times for all of us, representing an unusual joy, and affords us the opportunity to continue with our work of promoting books and reading.”

Raúl Padilla López
Chairman of FIL Guadalajara
Guadalajara (Mexico), 9th June 2020

Statement by directors of the Hay Festival, following the conferral of the 2020 Princess of Asturias Awards for Communication and Humanities

“It is an extraordinary honour to receive the Premio Princesa de Asturias. It’s humbling to be considered alongside the other laureates and we are delighted to share this honour in Communication and Humanities with our friends at the beloved Guadalajara International Book Fair. From Hay-on-Wye in the mountains of Wales to the great cities of Segovia in Spain, Cartagena de Indias and Medellín in Colombia, Arequipa in Peru and Querétaro in Mexico, and to the global sphere of our digital projects, Hay Festival celebrates and brings writers and readers together to imagine the world. It has never seemed more important to try to understand our crises and our opportunities, to find new ways of connecting people, and to foster a sense of renewal and hope. To the jury and the Prize, and all our colleagues and partners and readers and festival-makers around the world over these 33 years, we say - thank you.”

Director general: Peter Florence (Hay-on-Wye, Wales)
Director (Spain): María Sheila Cremaschi (Madrid)
Director (international): Cristina Fuentes (London)
9th June 2020

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