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Centro de Investigaçao em saúde de manhiça, ifakara health institute, de tanzania, malaria research and training center y kintampo health research centre Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation 2008

Centro de Investigaçao em saúde de manhiça, ifakara health institute, de tanzania, malaria research and training center y kintampo health research centre

Malaria, a disease caused by a parasite and transmitted by mosquitoes, represents a threat to almost 40% of the world´s population. The majority of cases and deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where one child under 5 years of age dies every 30 seconds. As a result of the first World Malaria Day, held on 25th April 2008, UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, announced the launching of new drive to reinforce the goal of eradicating the disease from the African continent by the end of 2010. Among the tools to achieve this goal, he emphasised the importance of training medical staff in affected countries and encouraging research.

Among others, the strategic goals of the four award-winning institutions include biomedical research, the training of local personnel, medical care and institutional backing as tools to put an end to the relation between disease and poverty, thus contributing to the development of national and international public health.

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