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Joseph Altman, Arturo Álvarez-Buylla and Giacomo Rizzolatti Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research 2011

Joseph Altman, Arturo Álvarez-Buylla and Giacomo Rizzolatti
“It is a great honor to have received the Prince of Asturias Award. I am particularly grateful because I consider it a great recognition not only to my person, but to the whole Italian Neuroscience in a period in which its fundamental achievement often appear to be neglected or even denied by the people responsible for Science and Education in Italy”.

Giacomo Rizzolatti
Washington, 26th May 2011

“I am delighted and greatly honored to join the list of distinguished scientists who have been awarded  this prestigious award in the past and this year.  I wish to thank members of the scientific community who have nominated me and members of the Jury who made this year's selections”.

Joseph Altman
Florida, 25th May 2011

“How thrilling and exciting to receive this great news and to think about going to wonderful Asturias in the autumn to receive this award! It is a great honour for me that our work, which I consider has barely begun to unravel the secrets of how new nerve cells are formed in the adult brain, has received this great distinction. Ever since I received the news this morning, I cannot but think of my teachers, collaborators and above all students who have made the space of collaboration and discovery possible. The news also brings back deep-seated memories of my father (Ramón Álvarez-Buylla) and my grandfather (Wenceslao Roces), both Asturians, who created in me this passion for science and culture. It is an enormous honour for me to share this Award with such illustrious colleagues, whom I admire and respect. I am hugely grateful to this dear province, to Spain and to the Prince of Asturias Award Jury for having deemed me worthy of this distinction”.

Arturo Alvarez-Buylla
San Francisco, 25th May 2011

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