Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

4 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | The task of abolishing the division of our continent and of building what in the Soviet Union we call “the Common European Home” can only be achieved by a new type of international cooperation, and by overcoming outdated dogmas and distrust through greater mutual understanding, greater trust and a major reduction in the capacity to wage war. In our view, the East and West are equally responsible for making sure that the unprecedented opportunity that now exists for establishing a Europe that is united from the Atlantic to the Urals does not go unheeded. Our continent is undoubtedly destined to provide the world with a new model for collaboration and international, de-militarised, non-ideological, democratic coexistence. The events of recent years provide a basis for hoping that Europe will prove itself capable of rising to this historic challenge. Each and every European, each country and every European organisation must make their individual contribution to so worthy a task. Spanish-Soviet relations, based upon longstanding feelings of friendship and the mutual appreciation of our peoples, are a fine example of two states contributing to building up this new European friendship. Mikhail Gorbachev has asked me to pass on his firm belief in the ongoing development of fruitful links between the Soviet Union and Spain, his feelings of heartfelt friendliness towards your country, and his wish for peace and prosperity for the Spanish people. Mikhail Gorbachev was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1989, the year in which acceded to the Presidency of the Soviet Union (until 1991). — Extract from the speech given on the occasion of receiving the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation on 21/10/1989. Sergei Romanovski, on behalf of Mikhail Gorbachev — Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation 1989 21 st O ctober 1989