Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

10 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | Iker Casillas and Xavi Hernandez. Both symbolize, in the words of the Jury, “the values of friendship and companionship that go beyond the all-out rivalry of their respective teams.” They are a role model for young people for their sportsmanship and fair play, without a doubt; but also for their conciliatory attitude and for the long-standing friendship highlighted in the conferral of the Award as a fundamental added value to their major sporting successes. In short, in the persons of Iker and Xavi, we reward not only personal and professional excellence, but also greatness of spirit. All these values redound in the interest of sport.We knowthat rivalry, ambition, competitiveness, the desire to beat the opponent, achieve more medals and trophies and win more than others are inherent to sports competitions. Precisely for that reason, however, it is so notable to see how all this rivalry and sports clashes can exist while maintaining a deep friendship. Because friendship is affection, sincerity, comprehension, support and cooperation. Therein lies the greatness of the example of Iker and Xavi, of Xavi and Iker; in the tremendous scope of their humanity, in the loftiness of their feelings, which we recognize here today. They also in some way represent here today all those within the world of sports who cultivate these human values, promote coexistence and solidarity and prudently manage success and fame. The German poet Goethe wrote: “Civilization is a permanent exercise in respect. Respect for the divine, the earth, for our fellow man and so for our own dignity.” Such is the way of the Spanish Federation of Food Banks, which has received the Award for Concord: working to provide us with not only an extraordinary example of what civilization is, but also a permanent example of justice. We have already highlighted, when speaking of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the spirit of solidarity that characterizes Spanish society and how, in times of exceptional difficulty, this spirit becomes more valuable, more necessary than ever. The same applies to the Food Banks. Their work, both tenacious and respectful of the needs of so many people, should not only be a source of pride for one and all, but also a unique opportunity to reflect on the enormous privations and difficulties endured by so many Spaniards. They all know that they can count on the food banks’ voluntary workers. These volunteers are mostly people who have already retired; people who offer up their time and efforts to alleviate the needs of others, to provide consolation to those who are suffering from the economic crisis in an especially severe way. They do so, moreover, ensuring the scrupulous fulfilment of the criteria on which their activity is based, namely that the service be free of charge, fairly distributed and transparent, while at the same time promoting solidarity and social cohesion. Those in charge of these organizations dream of the day when food banks will cease to be a social necessity. And on reiterating this dream here, we wish for the greatness of the dream and the lesson of their work to be assumed by one and all. Ladies and Gentlemen, This ceremony honouring the exemplarity to which our Laureates have devoted their lives is coming to an end. Since 1981, the aim of the Foundation has been —as it continues to be today— that the works that most exalt human beings and their noblest feelings be offered up from Asturias to all of Spain, and that the voice of our Laureates should sound out loudly in this theatre as a reference and guide, especially in the times we live. These are undoubtedly extremely complex and difficult times. But I do not wish to close this ceremony without also affirming that they are times to look to the future with hope and responsibility, times for coexistence. And in such times, our politicians have the major task of legitimately channelling and addressing the serious problems we are experiencing, especially those arising from the economic crisis. There can be no greater demand for commitment and accountability on the part of public authorities before our citizens. The sacrifices so many Spanish are making, the serious concern and uncertainty of many others regarding their future, further accentuate the duty of all state “We Spaniards are experiencing a decisive time in our history. We are each called to give the best of ourselves.” 26 th O ctober 2012