Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

37 Speech Page Speech Page P rince of A sturias A wards 1981–2014. S peeches Princess of Asturias, the . XXV . 7 Leonor . XXXIV . 7 my wife . XXIV . 7 my wife, Letizia . XXIV . 11 Principality [of Asturias] . VII . 4 . IX . 7 . XIV . 5 . XXVI . 7 . XXVII . 7 . XXXIV . 7 Program Fulbright . XXXIV . 9 Programme Man and Biosphere . XXI . 8 Projects Goodwork Project . XXXI . 8 Literacy Project[Google] . XXVIII . 8 Provisional Directive Committee for the formation of the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity Party, urng . XVII . 10 Puerto Rico . XI . 4 . XI . 5 Q Quantum Optics Department [Max Planck Institute] . XXVI . 9 Quevedo, [Father Edmundo] . IV . 4 Quino, vid. Lavado Tejón, Joaquín Salvador Quincentenary of the Discovery of America . XII . 8 R Rabin, Isaac . XIV . 3, 8 . XV . 11 . XX . 11 Ramírez Ocampo, Augusto . IV . 4 Ramón y Cajal, Santiago . XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . XXV . 9 . XXX . 9 . XXXI . 9 Ramos, Alba . X . 5 Ramos, Cristina . X . 5 Reconquest [of Spain from the Moors] . XV . 10 Redes Nature Park . XXI . 8 Reding, Viviane . XXIV . 5 Reed, Joseph Verner . XIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Reis, Ricardo vid. Pessoa, Fernando Renaissance . XIX . 6 . XXIX . 6 . XXXII . 5 Republic, the [Spanish Second] . XXII . 5 republics Czech Republic . XVII . 10, 11 Democratic Republic of [the] Congo . XXXIV . 6, 9 Dominican Republic . XXX . 6 Federative Republic of Brazil . XXIII . 10 German Democratic Republic, gdr . XXIX . 3 German Federal Republic . XXIX . 11 [Republic of] Costa Rica . VIII . 7 Republic of Czechoslovakia . XXIX . 3 Richter, Jean Paul . XXIX . 10 Riquer y Morera, Martín de . XVII . 9 Rizzolatti, Giacomo . XXXI . 8, 9 Roberts, Lawrence . XXII . 8 Robinson, Mary . XXVI . 9, 10 Rodrigo, Joaquín . XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 8, 9 . XXIV . 10 Rodrigo Kamhi, Cecilia . XVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rodríguez, Claudio . XIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . XIX . 5 Rodríguez Inciarte, Matías . XXVIII . 5 Rojo, Tamara . XXV . 10 Roland Garros [tennis tournament] . XIX . 8 Roman Empire . XXI . 3 Law . XXI . 6, 7 Romanovski, Serguei . IX . 4 Rome rugged vestiges of . XVII . 5 Roncero, Fabián . XVII . 9 Rostropovich, Mstislav . XVII . 4, 10 Roth, Philip . XXXII . 2, 9 Rousseau, Jean Jacques . XXI . 4 Rowling, Joanne Kathleen . XXIII . 6, 10 Royal Federation [of Spanish Football] . XXX . 10 Society for the Conservation of Nature . XXIX . 8 Theatre of San Carlos [Naples] . XXXI . 5 Royal Academy of History [of Spain] . XV . 8 Medicine [of Spain] . XIX . 7 [of the Spanish Language] . XX . 11 Royal Ballet [London] . XXV . 10 Royal British Academy . XIX . 6 Royal Society, The . XXXI . 8 Rudomín, Pablo . VII . 4 Russell, Bertrand . XXI . 8 Russia . XIX . 3, 7 . XXI . 8 . XXV . 10 Rusticatio mexicana [poem] . XX . 5 Rwanda . XIV . 6, 7 . XXXIV . 6 Ryder Cup, 2012 . XXXIII . 9 R P-Q-R