Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

2 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | 2 nd O ctober 1982 Along with so many fictions invented by my childhood, that of Spain without fear of the truth, bold in its discovery and capable of transforming reality is the oldest, most cherished, most dreamed of fiction born in my childhood, when I used to try to decipher the hand of Jorge Juan as a sign, on the old Herrera promenade of that industrial and seafaring city where I was born. I have known times of cultural indifference and times of great hope. Now, in my old age, I have felt —I feel every year— the miracle of the approach of the Supreme Magistracy of the country to those who think, who dream, who believe; and I consider it the most wonderful historical novelty brought by the monarchy. Your Majesty, these men of science, of the arts, of literature, carry the future in their minds. And the future will be Your Highness, The Prince of Asturias. In the old Byzantine ceremonial, it was said to the Basileus, “For you countless years.” I say it to ours. But one day, Your Highness, the torch will rest in your hands. I ardently hope that is true then what right now is just a dream. With this hope I end my words. Gonzalo Torrente Ballester — Prince of Asturias Award for Literature 1982 © Beneficiaries of Torrente Ballester’s estate — Excerpt from the speech given on the occasion of receiving the Prince of Asturias Award for Literature on 2/10/1982. Laureates. Excerpts