Memoria 2023

56 Princess of Asturias Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2023 PRINCESS OF ASTURIAS AWARDS. ORGANIZATION AND IMPACT Visitas de centros educativos a los fallos de los jurados En 2023 se invitó a alumnos y profesores de varios centros educativos asturianos a asistir a los fallos de los jurados en el Hotel de la Reconquista y realizar un recorrido por las instalaciones. Para los centros procedentes de las poblaciones más alejadas de Oviedo se organizaron además visitas al Teatro Campoamor, donde personal de la Fundación les explicó cómo se organiza la ceremonia de entrega de los Premios. Alrededor de trescientos estudiantes y treinta y cinco docentes de nueve centros educativos asturianos participaron en esta actividad. Visitas a centros educativos La Fundación retomó tras la pandemia sus presentaciones en centros educativos del Principado de Asturias, con el fin de acercar a los alumnos la labor de la institución y sus Premios. Miembros del equipo realizaron un total de 21 presentaciones, que alcanzaron a 765 estudiantes de doce centros educativos —entre ellos dos colegios rurales agrupados (CRA)— y que abarcaron todas las etapas: Infantil, Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato. Visits by schools to hear the Jury announcements In 2023, pupils and teachers from several schools in Asturias were invited to attend the announcements made by the Juries at the Reconquista Hotel and tour the facilities. For schools from places far fromOviedo, visits to the Campoamor Theatre were also organized, during which Foundation staff explained how the Awards Ceremony is organized. Some three hundred students and thirty-five teachers from nine schools in Asturias participated in this activity. Visits to schools Following the pandemic, the Foundation resumed its talks at schools in the Principality of Asturias aimed at informing schoolchildren about the institution’s work and its Awards. Members of the team gave 21 presentations in all, reaching 765 students from twelve schools –including two grouped rural schools– and covering all stages of school education: infant, primary, secondary and baccalaureate. PROYECTOS CON LA COMUNIDAD EDUCATIVA PROJECTS CARRIED OUT WITH SCHOOLS Otras actividades Other activities