Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

3 P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches Laureates. Excerpts That, then, in very few words, is the situation that the wwf faces, but one might ask “Why? Why be concerned? What concern is it of ours if all these little-known animals and plants become extinct?” And I believe that there are probably three answers to this question. First, each single extinction threatens the future of all the life on Earth; eventually, it will be the turn of the human species itself. The situation as it is now is that the people of the less prosperous countries are starting to feel the effects of erosion and the loss of natural resources. To help in the conservation of all life on Earth, we need the understanding, aid and help of the major support and development agencies to ensure that all development can be ecologically sustainable in the long term. Second, somewhat like the situation of the mountaineer: if you ask someone who climbs a mountain why they do so, they reply, “Because it is there.” Therefore, the second reason for conserving Nature and being concerned about it is because it is there. We have this wonderfully rich natural heritage and it would be an enormous act of vandalism to annihilate it in a fit of ignorance and neglect; and this is where we need the understanding and support of the scientific world as a whole, not only of those who are interested in the natural sciences. We know what to do, but we need scientific research to tell us how to do it. And the third reason is because it is part of God’s creation and it is therefore a sacred duty to take care of it and to pass it on unspoiled to coming generations. We know that the future of humanity depends on the proper functioning of the planet’s physical and biological systems, but people have to have an emotional commitment and feel a moral obligation if we are to succeed. And I believe that this can only come from the spiritual guidance of the major religions 1 . 1 The Duke of Edinburgh received the Award and pronounced his speech at an event held on 18th October at the Royal Palace in Madrid, three days after the Awards Ceremony at the Campoamor Theatre. HRHThe Duke of Edinburgh ( wwf ) — Prince of Asturias Award for Concord 1988 HRHThe Duke of Ediburgh was the first President of WWF-UK from its foundation in 1961 to 1982 and President of WWF-International from 1981 to 1996. He is now President Emeritus for WWF. — Excerpt from the speech given on the occasion of receiving the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord on 15/10/1988.