Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

7 P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches Speech VIII I once more have the honour of attending this solemn ceremony that now forms a lasting part of the cultural manifestations of our nation, open toward the future. A future that marks the onset of my own demands because, together with so many other Spaniards of my generation, I am at the age in which to learn, expand my knowledge and prepare myself to form part of the new times that are approaching. With the modesty of a pupil, I confess that it is most satisfactory and instructive to have such fine examples as those that emanate from the honoured experts who are with us here today. The Awards that you receive are, evidently, a display of recognition for the work and creation in the different activities to which you have dedicated your lives. Yet the truth is that it is we who feel honoured to be able to enjoy, to be able to learn and to be able to discover the lessons from the infinite worlds of culture, science and art in which you are unparalleled and outstanding figures. I recently had the opportunity to attend the Olympic Games held in Seoul and images from there are still fresh in my mind. As a young person of my generation, I undoubtedly experienced the same sensation as millions of young people the world over. I felt admiration upon seeing so many athletes accomplishing feats and pushing their physical abilities to the limit with such praiseworthy sacrifice. You are also the protagonists in an Olympiad of knowledge, culture and spirit. You provide us with a lesson in effort, beauty and generosity, which makes us feel more responsible each day. By virtue of these successive manifestations of cognisance elucidated by the granting of these increasingly prestigious Awards, Asturias has become a universal forum that illuminates horizons, establishes points of inquiry and provides solutions. It is befitting that I make reference to the future as an incitement that courses through the veins of today’s youth. Yet the future is not to be considered as a jump into the void, foolishness or an adventure without return. The future is based on the past and is filled with energy from the present. You, the recipients of these Awards, as creators, artists and thinkers, are those who must feed our imagination so that the coming years do not startle us and so that humanity can make fuller and more productive use of them. May we know how to extract all of the message of vocation and self-sacrifice contained in your works! I too have a vocation. The vocation to serve Spain and the Spanish people in the tasks that pertain to me. And a desire to serve others, something that I am very proud of. Mr President of Costa Rica, The vocation of Spain is solidarity with the countries of Ibero-America, whose fortunes are our own. Your message, like the preceding statesmen who have previously honoured us in this common homeland of culture and science constituted by this Foundation’s Awards, will not remain in silence. Your message is like a life-giving elixir. Take with you a greeting on my behalf for the youth of Costa Rica that is shared by all Spaniards. I express my thanks to Mr Samaranch for his presidency and my admiration goes out to his important endeavour so that clean, pure and disinterested athletics, serve as a source of education and harmony for the peoples of the world. “ Yet the future is not to be considered as a jump into the void, foolishness or an adventure without return. The future is based on the past and is filled with energy from the present.” Watch video