Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches 5 We are aware that all change causes uncertainty. We shall undertake it by respecting identities and with that same sense of solidarity that characterizes the European project. This solidarity is based first and foremost on political identities that are the product of history. Thus, Asturias combines a strong feeling of identity within the bosom of Spain with an undeniable European facet. In this stance, I see a way forward that coincides very well with the European way towards the future: identity and solidarity. The European project rounds off this “natural” solidarity with solidarity amongst countries. The cohesion of the present member states of the European Union remains one of my priorities. In the future, the enlargement of the European Community to include Central and Eastern European countries will be a new stage in the development of solidarity. We should also aim for success in this sphere, for it offers a unique, historic opportunity to bring our continent together in reconciliation, peace and democracy for the first time in four hundred years. At the same time, we should tirelessly reaffirm the proof of European solidarity towards other countries in the international community. Our model for growth and solidarity can constitute an example for other parts of the globe, and our credibility will the greater, the more we support others in times of difficulty. I would therefore like to avail myself of the opportunity provided me by the presence of Emma Bonino, who has been equally honoured at this ceremony. I wish to express my support for the exemplary work carried out under her guidance at the Humanitarian Office of the European Community, which has contributed towards European Union humanitarian aid being first in the world. Thanks to her, Europe has achieved a presence that is lacking in so many other areas. Jacques Santer — Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences 1998 Jacques Santer was President of the European Commission between 1995 and 1999. — Excerpt from the speech given on the occasion of receiving the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences on 23/10/1998.