Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

10 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | a dedication to humanitarian work. She has made the whole world —particularly some of the countries in conflict— the object of her efforts. She has been GoodWill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and we owe to her the initiative to create an institution to promote peace and reconciliation throughout the world. Her beautiful voice has served to raise a protest against xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance. Her beliefs are born out of a conviction that life is a marvellous opportunity to devote oneself to others. Her great humanity also often shows up in clearly stated, simple ideas, as when she declares, “music is medicine for the voice, but for the soul as well.” Thank you, Ms Hendricks, for your generosity here this evening. We are touched. 1 Coincidingwith the fifth centenary of Brazil, its President, Dr FernandoHenrique Cardoso, receives the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation for his outstanding political leadership and his efforts to fight social inequality and promote education and culture at all social levels. Brazil is a great, immense, dynamic and rich nation, a miracle of racial and national fraternity, celebrating its birth proud at having created a culture of open, democratic tolerance, with extraordinarily important opportunities for development. Before becoming involved in politics, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was a scholar of social reality. This initial interest has allowed him to brilliantly deal with such wide-ranging, complex affairs as inflation, the democratic spirit, the world of finance, institutional improvement, the American common market and mediation between countries. He is a sensitive intellectual who is clear-sighted in his interpretation of the vertiginous changes we are experiencing. He has taken upon himself the task of achieving better living conditions and an acceptable level of social justice for his country. His cultural sensitivity has also led him to take an interest in a question that is close to the Crown’s heart: respect for and love of the Spanish and Portuguese languages. His interest in increasing the teaching of Spanish in Brazil and in spreading Portuguese abroad is one further way —and a true and possible essential one at that— of bringing people together for the prosperity of the Ibero-American community. Recognition of the work of President Cardoso leads us to reflect on the mutual relationships that have existed between our countries and particularly on what shape our future collaboration might take; especially as regards the economy, culture, education and the environment. These are four facets of development in which Spain, as a brotherly nation, should be particularly well represented. For a broad range of countries in that continent that need to develop their national economies, strengthen and protect their cultures and safeguard their natural heritage require the help of both Spain and Brazil. Such help should not just focus on providing all the means possible to achieve these ends, but also protect them from any initiative born exclusively out of uncontrolled development, unbridled ambition and speculation. We are certain that such collaboration would contribute to greater mutual knowledge of our respective cultures and would raise the awareness of everybody as to the serious and urgent problem of environmental conservation and protection. For the marvellous natural State of Brazil, recognized worldwide as essential for life on this planet, needs to be protected with the help of everybody. President Cardoso has appealed to international bodies for this help to provide enough projects and resources to save these vital spaces once and for all. The Prince of Asturias Award for Sports has been conferred upon a cyclist for the second time. In the past, it was our own Miguel Indurain; today it is Lance Armstrong, who undoubtedly combines all the virtues of the great sportsman. 1 Barbara Hendricks sang the Negro spiritual “Sometimes I Feel like a Motherless Child” after receiving the Award. “With the encouragement of the Crown, the protection of the Constitution and the enthusiastic work of the Spanish people, Spain, though it has its problems, is today a country that has progressed enormously, united in freedom.” 27 th O ctober 2000