Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

P rince of A sturias A wards 1981-2014. S peeches 11 This religious community is always at hand in shelters for the most deprived, at the bedsides of the terminally ill, at the feet of battered mothers and abandoned children, in AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis hospitals, with those dependent on drugs, providing basic food in their food kitchens, to mention just some of the more obvious examples. Their commitment is as precious and sublime as it is difficult: to work for a world that will foster the globalization of love and also arouse the hope that we see so often and so sadly lacking in mankind’s heart. Ladies and Gentlemen, I cannot help but remind you that this year is also the thirtieth anniversary of my father’s crowning as King of Spain; the event inspired the birth of these Awards, which have since been supported wholeheartedly. I would like to recall him here, and I know that I echo the Princess’ feelings, with admiration, respect and affection, those same feelings that we also express for my mother, The Queen, who has graced this ceremony like no other with her support and presence at every edition. This is why I believe it is a particularly opportune moment to pay a tribute of acknowledgement andgratitude toHMTheKing, to whom, alongsidemany other Spaniards fromdifferent generations, we owe the construction of present-day, democratic Spain. As Spaniards, we can be justly proud of this period of our history. The self-confidence we demonstrate when we are able to organize our coexistence in peace and freedom whilst also being sensitive to the major changes that have occurred in the world, have led to the most prosperous years in living memory. It has been a phase that has transformed Spain into a country that is at long last a major participant in modernity, open to the world and admired by it, with a growing prosperity that is converging with our more prosperous neighbours. A country finally united with the European Union, one that has strengthened its ties with the world as a whole, particularly in the Mediterranean basin and above all in Latin America. An emotional remembrance is due to all those who have fallen victims to barbarity and terrorist madness and to those who suffer endless threats and extortion in the course of our establishing democracy. We feel profound solidarity with them all and with their families and we pay yet one more heartfelt tribute to them. However, the unquestionable success as a collective that the Spanish have achieved has not been the outcome of improvisation or chance. It is the outcome of admirable work, of a firm and sustained will to live in peace. These key years have passed under the inspiration, guidance and protection of the 1978 Constitution, which so many Spaniards accepted as never before, firmly exercising their sovereign rights and powers. It is an extraordinary political and legal monument, constructed with exemplary responsibility, a profound sense of state and the broadest of generosity. The unshakeable will to construct a better Spain, the Spain of all and for all, enabled a historic reconciliation, eradicating the conflict that was endemic to our recent constitutional history and establishing the political framework for modern Spain. The constitutional pact that is the bedrock of our democratic coexistence, political and institutional stability and economic and social progress that we now enjoy was constructed with the essential understanding and contest of will of our political forces. None of this would have been possible without having the Constitution and without respect for constitutional values. To conserve and increase this immense, inalienable heritage is a historic responsibility of present and future generations and, in short, one shared by everybody. It is also an essential heritage if we are to cater for the needs and requirements that still endure in our society, if we are to make the most of the new opportunities that unfold as this century dawns and thereby overcome as one the challenges that today’s world throws up. These challenges range from those posed by globalization and collective safety to those posed by migratory trends and the much-required protection of our environment. “An emotional remembrance is due to all those who have fallen victims to barbarity and terrorist madness and to those who suffer endless threats and extortion in the course of our establishing democracy.”