Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

12 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | Since the proclamation of HM The King, the Crown has encouraged the return to national sovereignty of the Spanish people and constitutional agreement. As heir to the Throne, I am fully committed to this project for peaceful coexistence for the service of Spain. To sum up, with the backing of Crown, the Constitution offers the sturdiest framework, principles and values to enable us to successfully forge the future of Spain in a way that is shared, supportive of others and respectful of the wealth of our plurality and territorial diversity. All these principles, all these values and ideas upon which our democracy is founded and, by extension our parliamentary monarchy, have been and continue to constitute the foundations and guidelines of our Awards. They will also be the way towards helping us build a better future, in the words of the following splendid verses: Like the prayer on the wind, Like the simple, humble voices of the grass, Like the long word of the rain, With the stubborn constancy of the sea on the shore. Thank you. 21 st O ctober 2005 “Since the proclamation of HMThe King, the Crown has encouraged the return to national sovereignty of the Spanish people and constitutional agreement.”