Prince of Asturias Awards 1981–2014. Speeches

10 O viedo | C ampoamor T heatre | Her enormous social sensitivity and her extraordinary sense of the practical are surely not unrelated to the fact that she is of the female sex: a woman of our time, who grieves for the suffering of others and for the myriad people who suffer the atrocity of violence. We need people like Mary Robinson who combine in-depth knowledge of current affairs with a ceaseless quest for peace, and an unerring ability to find solutions to specific problems as they arise. Over the years, I have constantly mentioned how tremendously inspirational clean and fair sport is for young people and how it sets a fine example for society as a whole. Will power, self- sacrifice, fair play and healthy rivalry are part and parcel of the careers of the greatest sports players. These virtues are particularly well highlighted in team sports. This is why it has been a great joy to see that this year’s Award for Sports has gone to Spain’s basketball team. This team has proved itself able to combine over long periods great tenacity, an admirable bond with their coach and great togetherness—spin-offs of theirworkethic andcompanionship— which are unquestionably the cornerstones of their success. Their frequent victories, the way they gradually fought their way to the top, are reminiscent of Unamuno’s idea regarding a character trait that further enhances the triumphs of those who tough it out and fight for victory: they pursue victory with determination and conviction, but find consolation in defeat and moderation in victory. For everyone knows that you achieve nothing of any import in life without that human touch, without brotherly comradeship. This is why the splendid example the Spanish Basketball Team has set for all of us will always be part of the history of sport and will always be particularly remembered by those of us who love and play the sport. To quote their coach, Pepu Hernández, this team are an example of a bunch of nice guys who get together to do good things hoping to make the whole country happy. We hereby testify to that and encourage them to continue with their good work. They are Laureates today because of all these virtues. Thanks also to these virtues, they won the World Championship in Japan this September in such a brilliant and deserved way, getting the whole of Spain to its feet with excitement. By conferring this year’s Award for Concord on unicef, this final accolade takes on the most moving of dimensions and fullest of meaning, for none of the problems that mankind confronts is as moving as those that affect childhood and so many children the world over who need special, urgent care and attention for their rights, their needs and their sufferings. Since it was founded in 1946, unicef has been a pioneering organization in tackling these ills of the world, which stir our conscience and spark general outcry, because their victims are the most defenceless of human beings and because a childhood that is forsaken or menaced by threat or aggression is not only perverse per se , but also the source of a multitude of future afflictions. The fact that eight out of ten children on our planet do not enjoy the most basic of rights is a perennial call to action that unicef has responded to, showing enormous efficiency in almost two hundred countries in the world. It is only right, then, for our Award to hail the endeavours made by unicef every day in pursuit of a better childhood, to alleviate the bleak reality of sick children, to put an end to the tragic circumstances that so many abused, exploited and hungry children still live in, even in the twenty- first century. Ladies and Gentlemen, In a few weeks we will close events celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Awards, whose intense and treasured history evoke countless cherished experiences and feelings, for it has been a marvellous adventure; one that began like Don Quixote, when he set off in the radiant, austere land of La Mancha to wander the horizons dreaming with enormous hope, but limited equipment of implementing his most noble ideals. “In this quarter century, and in the figures of our Laureates, we have had the chance to admire and highlight the power of intelligence, sacrifice and excellence.” 20 th O ctober 2006